Encouragement for Kingdom Leaders

“Standing on the Shoulders of Others.”

“I am standing on the shoulders of others who have gone before us.” This is my paraphrase of Sir Isaac Newton’s quote in 1675 – “If I have seen further, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants”… and before anyone starts throwing hate on Sir Isaac – back off… he invented gravity! (sorry God, just a joke).

What triggered this thought? Well, I was reading the Book of John and got overwhelmed by verse 38… “I [God] have sent you [Drew] out to harvest a field that you haven’t planted, where many others have labored long and hard before you. And now you, Drew, are privileged to profit from their labors and reap the harvest.”

I was immediately reminded of others who have gone before me in my life, on whose “shoulders” I am standing on and who I still represent here in my earthly assignment… the list included my dad, my brother-in-law who is my mom’s best son; a former boss named Jim; my buddy who was a college cheerleader back when it wasn’t cool (debatable that it ever will be “cool”, but hey…); the worlds’ shortest intercessor and her sidekick Pat, and several others. Was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude and honor, but also with a renewed fire to “run the good race”.

As we move into this weekend of honor to our fathers, I just wanted to give a shout of THANKS to all those men and women who have gone (and are still going) before me. Thank you!!

Written by

Founder of Level3


Kingdom Leaders

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